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Friday, November 28, 2008

The True Meaning of Christmas: Knocking Someone Out for the Last $550 50" Plasma

"My preciouses. The Black Friday specials are all MINE!"

After celebrating all that we have to be thankful for yesterday, today, consumers flocked out in the wee hours of Black Friday to buy a bunch of crap they don't need at low, low prices. Every year there are news stories about the folks who participate in this capitalist endeavor, so those who don't can marvel at the insanity people will go through to save money during the holiday season.

To be fair, especially considering my current financial straits, I understand the need to save a few bucks, but is the Mad Max mentality really necessary?

I participated one year, mainly just to witness the chaos that I had heard so much about. For those of you who haven't, it is amazing. If you want to see people at their worst, or what will happen when all the food, oil, and water runs out, this is the place to be. On a similar note, this story illustrates how sad things have gotten.

According to the linked story, in their anxiousness to get inside a Long Island Wal-Mart, shoppers trampled and killed a Wal-Mart employee. Also, according to the story, "Unconfirmed reports said a pregnant woman also miscarried as the crowd rushed in."

Simply amazing. For those who don't want to read the entire piece, highlights include a Wal-Mart employee saying the mob took the doors off their hinges as he had to fight people off his back.

The paramedics arrived to help the pregnant woman only to tell her that it was too late. "The baby is gone."

According to shoppers, people continued to enter the store even after the paramedics worked on the deceased Wal-Mart employee and the pregnant woman.

I hope the mob enjoys their new plasmas and Little Johnny smiles when he opens up the game mom and pop had to rush in to grab so they could save 10 bucks. It truly is Black Friday.

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