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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow? or Thoughts on Election Day '08

Election Day. The last eight years will soon be over. No matter whom you prefer, if there is any justice in the world, either guy has to do better job then Bush. Whatever the outcome, in a little more than a month, Bush will be sitting in the oval office, packing picture frames, a novelty decision making dart board, and other office regalia into cardboard boxes. I wonder what he'll be thinking. I think he's relieved. I think when the economic crises happened, he thought "C'mon you couldn't have waited six months." Then he probably thought, well they can't think any worse of me. I wonder what his conversations at night in bed with Laura are like. I wonder if he regrets running for president and wishes he still owned the Texas Rangers. The eight years have definitely taken a toll. His face and hair tell the story of our collective suffering. The ranch has never looked better.

My parents have always been staunch anti-voters, repeatedly arguing that their vote doesn't matter and me responding it's a good thing everybody else doesn't feel that way. I cannot blame them though. 2000 and 2004 are great examples; Elections that close gave us a window into our Democratic dream world. When every single vote actually mattered, we saw how many fell through the cracks and how the presidential election is not a battle between voters but a battle between the lawyers representing each side. I hope Hanging Chad doesn't return this time. For the first time in their lives, my parents are voting. They know what is at stake. They illustrate how important this election is in the minds of the masses. Democrat or Republican, collectively we all know things should be better and people are going out to the polls like never before.

Change. That is what everybody wants. The question is, who will actually deliver it? Obama has championed change from the beginning and McCain grasped on to it a few months ago when he saw the life boat inching away. I have always been vehemently cynical towards politicians. I know Obama won't be able to deliver on all of his proposals, but if half actually jump out of the fairy tale book things will be looking up. I like how he actually holds all of us accountable and expects us to contribute. I hope he actually strive for bi-partisianship because that is what this melting pot of people really needs. I hope he takes a lesson from the last president and actually invites the brightest minds to be a part of his cabinet, regardless of party lines. Something is going on this time around. You can feel it as you stand in line at the polls.

Either way, the end results of the presidential election will be historic. We'll either have the first African-American, the oldest president ever, or the first woman vice. This election will prove that anybody really can become president, although despite your age, race, or sex you will still need millions of dollars to do it. So as long as you're not poor, you'll actually have a shot.

I hope everybody who said they would vote actually does so for once. I'm concerned about what might happen if the overwhelmingly pro-Obama polls turn out wrong. People are so passionate this time around; I don't think they'll shrug and go back to watching CSI and eating Cheetos like in 2000 if there is even a whiff of foul play. I hope Diebold does not decide things. Every election seems like the latest Terminator installment with the machines looking to take over.

Tonight we will go to bed full of nervous anticipation. Some will try to stay up and actually catch a glimpse of the results. Some may leave out cookies and milk hoping to sway the results their way. In the morning, we will wake up and run downstairs and click on our preferred news outlet, either grinning in triumph or howling in disdain. Some will get their LEGO Robin Hood Adventure Set and other will get dirty coal. To the victors, congrats. I hope your guy does all the good he promised to do, and for the losers, at least the last eight years are over. The next guy, even if you did not vote for him, cannot do any worse, right?

I'm not a member of Obamamania screaming and crying at the next pres like a Bon Jovi groupie, but I hope he makes it.

Image taken from

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