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Friday, December 19, 2008

TGIF, but Monday is Always Looming

"Did I do thhaaatttt?"

Loverboy's "Working for the Weekend" says it all. So, so poignant. Friday's are always such a cheerful day because two and a half days of freedom from work drudgery are a five o'clock whistle blow away. For those of us who don't enjoy our job, have no passion for it, and/or trudge there everyday only in the name of bills, bills, bills, weekends are everything.

Doing the math, weekends equal around 130 days of the year, meaning, if you work a five day work week, eight hours (if your lucky) of each day of the remaining 235 days (not factoring in holidays and "sick days"), are spent "working for the weekend." This doesn't include the time spent in preparation for work or the nights spent at home instead of at a show because it would be irresponsible/craptacular to stay out all night and zombie it through the next day.

The joys of the real world. Luckily, for the folks out there who aren't shackled to their cubicle with a one foot titanium chain, there are hilarious friends and co-workers to countdown the work days with.

I envy all of you who are passionate about your job and have employers who actually appreciate and reward your toil. This post is way too depressing for a Friday. To get back in the groove, for your listening pleasure, the theme song to "Family Matters." Ba ba ba ba ba do (music, not Robert Goulet).....It's a rare condition, this day and age to read any good news on the newspaper page. Love and tradition of the grand design (high and long on the -sign), some people say it's even harder to find...

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