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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

MTV Movie Awards or A Tale of Two Hours Wasted

So another MTV Movie Awards has come and went and my disapointment in what is supposed to be the edgy, common-man's Oscar's is festering like stinking, post beer night, bathroom air

There were some funny moments: Seth Rogen's "bag of weed," Mike Myers' caterer and animal trainer, and, saving the best for last, the return of Dana Carvey and Wayne's World, but, overall, it was a microcosm of the corporate cool, over commercialization that MTV has become.

Throughout the pre-show and Awards show, viewers were left trying to stuff their mouths with popcorn because suffocation had to be better than the endless line of presenters and guests merely there to promote their upcoming blockbuster or MTV reality bologna. Sadly, this included Myers who not only plugged his next film in promos but throughout the entire Award show.

I haven't watched the MTV Movie Awards in years but I was hoping that Mike Myers' return to the lead off spot was a sign of yesteryear. I still remember a headbanded Myers doing a spoof of "Lord of the Dance" and my highschool self, acne faced and bowlcutted, rolling on the floor laughing.

But, alas, laughter was few and far between, as common as a music video on the music channel. What happenend to the movie spoofs and the middle finger at the pompous movie critics? Rogen and Myers did what they could, but, like the MTV of today, the greatness of the past is forever gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, come to think of it, the best parts had absolutely nothing to do with movies! One of my favorite moments was when the Jabbawockees came out and danced with the PussyCat Dolls. Again totally un-movie-related. Even the award categories were reduced to the most generic list ever. It should just be a general pop-culture award show really.

Btw, I can't scroll down to read your other posts because there's a huge EYEBALL pic grossing me out! Haha.

--Ashley S.