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Monday, May 25, 2009

Tweet Tweet

I've done it. I finally joined Twitter. And wow, only 2 months after the 24 hour media outlets started having their Sanchez's and Fox and Friends report on it. By the way, have you kids seen the new Chaplin flick and what's with the charleston being all the rage?

Actually, I've known about Twitter for quite awhile; I just never understood what the point of it is. Really, though, I could ask the same question for facebook and MySpace. Is it some pathetic form of 21st century loneliness that makes us post drunk pics for friends and HR managers to see? Maybe its cyber revenge at its finest as people post their wedding pics for the still single, Snackwells scarfing, high school tormenters to see. Or maybe its just a way for us to validate our existance in our small bubbles. Look at me, I'm a man about town. I have 234 friends.

I like the sites because they allow me to keep in contact with friends, who are now scattered across the country. But, Spock would then ask, wouldn't a telephone be better? Then you could have a more meaningful conversation without submitting your information in a voluntary Orwellian fashion. To that, I would say, Obama still hasn't gotten to the wire taps on my phone (do they really expect you to sit at home and wait from 8 to 12 or 2 to 6) and your death grip is no match for my phaser.

Meaningful conversations are out of date in the Internet age, anyway. Who actually mails hand written letters anymore with correct grammar and spelling that are more than 50 words, besides my mom? In the land of Wi-Fi hot spots and drive-thru liquor stores, convenience is king.

So, with that, I'll get with the times and post on there somewhat frequently, so you all can keep tabs on me. In the meantime, just be thankful that we have smart phones and 3G networks for solace while McDonalds takes a ridiculous 5 minutes to prepare our Number 1 Big Mac Combos.

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