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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Let's Get Po-lit-ical, Po-lit-ical: Isn't it a Little Early to be Voting?

Early voting began in Valdosta and throughout Georgia Monday, a month and a half before the Nov. 4 election and days before the first presidential debate, which, currently, is still scheduled McCain or no McCain.

It is irresponsible for voters to cast their ballot this early, especially before any major debate has taken place. What is your vote based on? Party lines. Your gut feeling. Misleading and completely false negative TV ads. 24-hour news talking squares. Teleprompter speeches. In this public relations run world, especially considering the sickening display both camps have displayed towards free press, debates are the one place where voters will be able to see these candidates for what they really are. No more talking points. No more Wikipedia references. No more smiling photo ops. No more waving off screaming reporters, People magazine photo ops, and PR agents saying 99% of questions are off limits.

Besides this point, once you vote that's it, that goes even for you folks down in Florida (By the way, I hope they've finally got their act together. To quote the wise Ug of Salute your Shorts, "Now get it right or pay the price!") There are so many "what if" scenarios that can occur before the election that it seems silly to vote this early. Sure, like most of you, I'm leaning a particular way, but what is the rush? Election time is a mudbog; Let's stop and smell the monster truck exhaust fumes.

So why would you vote this early?

To avoid long lines? You cannot get off work Nov. 4? These reasons are legitimate and it's sad in the self proclaimed model of democracy that people have to choose either a) voting early and possibly regretting their choice or b) missing a day off their paycheck to take part in the Democracy our leaders supposedly hold in such high esteem.

I propose this: If the U.S. government is so quick to write a 700 billion dollar bail out check to big business with little to no checks and balances, why not provide funds to working folks so they can take off Nov. 4 and vote?

If you're going to vote early, vote during the early voting period a week before the election. By then the cards should be laid out for all to see. In the meantime, just sit back and laugh with me at what was supposed to be "The High Road Election" - the "Straight Talk Express" vs. "Hope, Change, and Real Solutions" and what has sunk to Swamp Thing vs. Sasquatch, mud and lore.

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