Evil Dead done in 60 seconds with CLAY - 2010 from Lee Hardcastle on Vimeo.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Billionaire Industrialist Buys Backstreet Boys' Plane, Fans Crushed

Pavarotti Killington
The Citizen
RENO - To the chagrin of Backstreet Boys' fans, Bruno Komp, billionaire industrialist and aviation collector, is now the owner of the jet that appeared in the group's music video, "I Want it That Way."
The Boeing 727 was bought by Komp for a staggering $5 million Friday night, outbidding the $3.5 million collective effort of BSB United, the Backstreet Boys' largest fan club.
"We can't believe it." Darcy Templeton, founder of BSB United, said while holding back tears. "It was supposed to be the prized piece in United's memorabilia collection. Fans worldwide donated to this cause. Some even sold their dripping wet Nick (Carter) posters. That's a huge commitment. We already cleared out a spot smack in the middle of the museum. It was supposed to go next to the framed piece of t-shirt I tore off of A.J. (McLean) during the guys' 1999 TRL appearance and the lock of Howie's (Dorough) hair I cut off backstage in Stockholm during the Black and Blue Tour."
Templeton began to sob uncontrollably. "We only hope that A.J., Howie, Brian (Littrell), Nick and Kevin (Richardson) aren't disappointed with us. We love you guys so much."
Komp said he felt bad for the fan club members but, at the same time, was overjoyed to add the jet to his already vast collection.
"This is a day collectors like me live for," Komp said while clutching the jet's keys to his heart. "This is what it's all about, adding a jet of such history, such magnitude, to their collection. And it's mine, all mine. Look, show me the meaning of being lonely, I'm sure it doesn't include having over 65 pieces of aviation history in your collection. I'm a big dick player. I want it that way. I'm larger than life, baby."
Backstreet Boys' member Brian Littrell commented on the disappointment felt by BSB United and shocked members by saying the Backstreet Boys would donate one of the jet's used during the Black and Blue Tour to the fan club's memorabilia collection.
"What can we say," Littrell said. "We love our fans so much and we hate to see them so unhappy. This plane is a reflection of how much our fans mean to us. And on another note, we love every backdrop that we've ever slow motion walked and sang in front in front of. That plane isn't just a plane. We're happy for Bruno but it's still a part of us and it saddens us that it is no longer a part of us. But that's okay. We're just ecstatic that the Black and Blue 727 is in a place where it can truly be celebrated."
Responding to Littrell's statement, Templeton said, "Screw the plane. Brian said they love us. They really love us. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh my God," before she collapsed and was rushed to the emergency room.
Dawkins Medical Center officials said Templeton's condition was stable and that she merely suffered from panic attack like symptoms.
The money donated to purchasing the jet by BSB United members is being returned to members, Nikki Stewart, chief financial officer of BSB United, said.
"We're hearing rumors that a mattress Kevin soiled after drinking a little too much one night is going to be available soon," Stewart said. "We hope members will show just as much generosity if not more considering what happened. We don't want to lose out to some kind of soiled mattress collector next time out."
BSB United has more than 25 million members worldwide.
"I Want it That Way" was the first single off of the Backstreet Boys' 1999 platinum album "Millennium." It reached the number one spot on the Billboard Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks where it stayed for 14 weeks. It set a record for most weeks at number one on the Top 40 Mainstream chart. The song also received three Grammy nominations, including one for "Record of the Year."
The members of the Backstreet Boys are Howie Dorough, A.J. McLean, Brian Littrell, Nick Carter and Kevin Richardson.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Album Review: The Whigs "In the Dark" Grade: C+

Fans of “Rocky” saw what happened when “The Italian Stallion” moved from the streets into a posh mansion -- he got pampered, lost the “eye of the tiger” and was pummeled by
The Whigs’ third release, “In the Dark,” won’t get the
Like Rocky in his third film, it sounds like The Whigs have forgotten who they are in this third installment. Sure there are glimmers of the trio’s Replacements’ style college alt rock sound, but a lot of “In the Dark” is missing the unabashed ferocity that has made the trio such a success in the past. The album is a drunk’s line walk between the band’s garage rock roots and an overly studioized, Kings of Leon arena style sound. It works like jukebox provided back ground music to noisy bar conversation. Sure, it’s entertaining and fills in the gaps of awkward silence, but where’s the pulse?
Standout tracks include “Hundred/Million,” “Kill Me Carolyne” and “In the Dark,” but even they sound buried alive compared to fist pumpers “Like a Vibration” and “Right Hand on My Heart” off the band’s second effort “Mission Control” and the infectious sing-a-longs “Technology” and “Violet Furs” off the trio’s’ debut “Give ‘Em All A Big Fat Lip.”
The Whigs have not resurrected Shakespeare with any of their lyrics, but the album’s study hall quiet make the clichéd intros in “Someone’s Daughter” and “So Lonely” stand out. I know lead singer/guitarist Parker Gispert said in a November interview with Rolling Stone that he wanted to be more lyrically direct with “In the Dark,” but this can’t be what the band intended.
While “In the Dark” does not deserve the pummeling Pitchfork delivered, it also is not the progression that was expected. With their next album, The Whigs need to stay out of the arena and rediscover the garage. Ding…ding.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Fans look to 'Indepedence Day' for Leadership; Kline Camp Not Concerned

Pavarotti Killington
The Citizen
LOS ANGELES - As President Obama's approval rating continues to go down amidst stalled health care reform and a double digit unemployment rate, movie fans rallied in the hills this morning calling for a leader known for taking action - even if he is purely fictional.
Hundreds of fans of the 1996 blockbuster "Independence Day" gathered outside the home of actor Bill Pullman chanting "Today we celebrate our Independence Day" in hopes that the actor would storm Washington and oust the current regime immediately through a violent takeover or at least by 2012 through the democratic process.
"I've been out of the job for nine months now," Tom Browinsky, an unemployed welder and freqent movie goer said. President (Thomas) Whitmore is the right man for the job. In fact, he's been the right guy since '96 and I've been writing his name in the box ever since. For me the job of President is all about integrity and looking out for the regular folks like you and me. He could have laid down when those aliens were shooting that green junk everywhere but he didn't. He delivered the best speech in presidential history and even fired the first missile when their shields went down. People want a return to greatness and that's something out of George Washington's playbook, right there. He wasn't in a bunker hiding. He was there fighting for all of us."
Sandra O'Brien, an unemployed hairdresser, echoed Browinsky's view.
"Look, the guy lost his wife with his daughter at his side, and then saves the world all in a couple day's time. If he's not right for the job, then nobody is. President Whitmore has the experience and the gusto. He's even got military experience and even supported his wife Dottie during a time when many men wouldn't have, when she was catcher for the Peaches. I can't say it enough. He is the man America needs. A man of action and progression."
After twenty minutes of chanting, Pullman addressed the crowd from his front door in a bathrobe.
"I appreciate your support. I really do. But I'm not a politician. President Whitmore was a character I played 15 years ago. Please go home, please. I love that I have such great fans, but please. Remember, I'm Mr. Wrong. There's people out there, real politicians, who you need to get behind. They're Mr. Right."
However, the crowed remained while Pullman stayed indoors until a street brawl broke out between Pullman supporters and those of a Jeff Goldblum/Will Smith ticket.
"They came out of nowhere,

Dedrich David Smith, the spokesman for the Los Angeles Chapter of Get (Jeff) Goldblum and (Will) Smith Into the White House, said "Look I hate that people got hurt. We're not about that. Sometimes people lose their heads. We're just here to show that Mr. David Levinson and Capt. Steven Hiller are the true heroes and not that charlatan Whitmore. Levinson cracked the code knocking out the force field and is the reason Whitmore even got out of the White House before it blew up, and Hiller is the pilot that Whitmore wishes he could be. All Whitmore did was push a button. The truth is, if the greatest American hero, Mr. Russell Casse was still with us, he'd be the first President elected unanimously in history, and that's a fact."
Goldblum and Smith could not be reached for comment by press time.
The campaign manager for Kevin Kline's presidential bid, Cecil Forte, issued a short statement to the press in response to the outpouring for Pullman.
"Look, nobody can deny that President Whitmore did amazing things. He's the only president who ever had to respond to an alien invasion, and even I can't say that he could have handled it any better than he did. But the fact is, we're not under attack by aliens, right now. We'

After issuing the statement Forte refused to answer questions. Kline could not be reached for comment by press time.
Michael Douglas, Dennis Haysbert, Martin Sheen, John Travolta, Jack Nicholson and Chris Rock could also not be reached for comment by press time.